Campbells of Nelson, PA

The 42nd annual reunion of the Beecher Island Campbell Clan, was held in the I.O.O.F. Hall in Nelson, Pa. on Aug. 16, 1934.

The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Clyde Campbell.

Election of officers followed by group singing amd remarks by Wm. Selph. Greetings were sent by Harry Campbell, Geo. Buck, and Clifford Young. There were four cousins of the Jos. Campbell family present out of the eight living cousins.1

The clan decided to send flowers to Inez Boller who was very ill at that time.

Mabel Shipman Shaw gave a talk on a recent trip to Europe and Mrs. Kate Horton in her usual pleasing manner recited a poem of her own pen.

Harry Kemp was made chairman of a committee to look up family tree2 and Mrs. Fannie Monroe will head the com. to look up Genealogy of the Hazlett Branch.3

Mayme Hazlett Dewey Sec'y

1. In these minutes, Mayme is using "cousins" to refer to those "1st" cousins that were grandchilden of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell.

2. It's hard to know the scope of what Mayme was refering to. In 1924 Will Selph had given out more than 100 copies of a beautifully drawn chart (in a style rather like a spreadsheet). And more than 100 of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell's descendants had copies of the 4 volums of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence -- including Harry Campbell, George Buck, Clifford Young, Kate Horton & Mabel Shaw. But by now there was another generation to add. However, many of those now active in the reunions (including Clyde Campbell and Harry Kemp) were descendants of Joseph's brother, James Campbell and his wife, Mary Blackwell who was Ann's half-sister. And presumably there were still reunion attendees who were descendants of Ann's and Mary's great-uncle, Charles B. Lugg

3. Mayme and Fannie were descendants of Samuel & Sarah Campbell Hazlett. But many of the attendees were descendants of John and Jane Campbell Hazlett. It's legit to group them as "the Hazlett Branch" because Sam and John were brothers, and Sarah and Jane, sisters. But I suspect they had forgotten about Sarah, Joseph & Jane's, sister, Mary Campbell, who married a different John Hazlett. As far as we know, that John Hazlett was unrelated to Sam and therefore they wouldn't be part of "the Hazlett branch." But because they lived in south-western PA, I suspect that by 1934 those Hazletts had been forgotten. As were the western PA descendants of John and Elizabeth Bell Campbell.

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