Campbells of Nelson, PA

Reunion Sign-In - 1893

[Below is material I retyped from the Campbell Reunion Society Minutes 1893 note book, written by Secretary Thomas Clinch Campbell. Tommie used a rubber stamp and red ink to print "Nelson". The original signatures would be of intense interest to the signers' descendants. When time permits, I'll attempt to scan them and attach an image. - wbt]

Reunion and Picknick [sic] of the Campbell family held at the Baxter grove or orchard near the Cowanesque bridge in NELSON, TIOGA CO., PA. Aug 23, 1893

Personal signatures of those present.

T. C. Campbell
NELSON, TIOGA CO., PA. Aug 23, 1893
1 E B Campbell
2 John H Campbell
3 Robert Campbell
4 J. C. Campbell
5 A E Campbell
6 T. C. Campbell
7 Rose Campbell
8 Mrs. E. B. Campbell
9 Mrs. J. C. Campbell
10 Mary Campbell
11 Rena Campbell
12 Mark Campbell
13 Harry Campbell
14 Willie S. Campbell
15 Mamie Campbell
16 Mrs. J. H. Campbell
17 Clyde Campbell
18 Mildred Campbell
19 Carrie Campbell
20 Mrs. T. C. Campbell
21 Mrs. R. Campbell
22 Mary Ann Seely
23 Allen Seely
24 Eleanor Bosard
25 Elizabeth Hughey
26 Phebe Hoyt
27 Geo Tubbs
28 Jane Tubbs
29 J W Loop
30 Anna J. Loop
31 J. A. Cady
32 Mrs. J.A. Cady
33 Arthur E. Horton
34 M B Seely
35 Sue Seely
36 Emily Seely
37 Lena Seely
38 G. H. Shipman
39 Mary Shipman
40 Mabel R. Shipman
41 Helen C. Shipman
42 E. S. Horton
43 Kate C. Horton
44 Nellie C. Horton
45 Harry J. Horton
46 O. A. Van Dusen
47 Mrs. O A Van Dusen
48 Mr. W. H. Clark
49 Mrs. W. H. Clark
50 Philip E. Young
51 Mrs. P. E. Young
52 Ethel Young
53 Roswell P. Young
54 Frank Tubbs
55 Mrs. Frank Tubbs
56 Nettie Tubbs
57 Omer H. Tubbs
58 Leah Tubbs
59 Dennie Tubbs
60 Bennie Tubbs
61 Jessie Ellison
62 Edna A Ellison
63 Hugh Ellison
64 C. W. Mourie
65 Laura Mourie
66 Elva Mourey
67 J. D. Hoyt
68 Mrs. J. D. Hoyt
69 Baby Hoyt
70 Anna Owlett
71 Fordyce Owlett
72 Fay Owlett
73 Jessie Owlett
74 John Owlett
75 Charlie Owlett
76 E. H. Knapp
77 Helen Knap
78 Willie Knapp
79 Emma Buck
80 Myra Buck
81 Mrs. G. W. Buck
82 Joseph Wallace Buck
83 Pearl Mowrey
84 Mrs. E. S. Pratt
85 Ford Pratt
86 Caroline Parks
87 Mary Parks
88 Inez Hoyt
89 Ruth B. Encell
90 Anna Encell
91 D. C. Kemp
92 Mrs. D. C. Kemp
93 H. C. Kemp
94 Mrs. H. C. Kemp
95 B. J. Kemp
96 John A. Kemp
97 E. C. Johnson
98 Mrs. E. C. Johnson
99 Harold Johnson
100 Ida Eaton
101 Clara Eaton
102 Gussie Eaton [probably]
103 E. Thomas
104 Mrs. E. Thomas
105 C. E. Thomas
106 Emily Eaton
107 Sammie A. Seely
108 Lizzie Crandall

Visiting Clergyman
Hallock Armstrong    Presby Church

J. W. Miller                M E Church
Mrs. J. W. Miller

Copyright © 2001, 2013, 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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