New York, N. Y. ,

December 14th 1922

Mr. Herbert C. Hughey,

Brainerd, Minn.

Dear Cousin Herb;-

For the first time in a number of years, I had the pleasure of attending the Cousin's Dinner at Nelson [PA]. It was held at the home of Ann Owlett on October 5th, 1922. Fortunately, I put my camera in my travelling [sic] bag before leaving home, and I snapped half a dozen pictures of the folks and have had enough copies printed so that every family could have a set of these photographs. Although you were unable to be at the Dinner, yet I wanted you to have on of the sets and I am sending it to you under separate cover in today's mail. You will have no trouble in recognizing most of the people, especially the third picture in the group which takes in the thirteen Own Cousins who attended the Dinner. Mark Owlett took the picture and I think the camera jarred just a trifle as the faces seem a bit blurred. You will at once recognize Tommie Campbell on the one end and Jud Seely on the other. My own picture is in the center of the back row between my sister Jennie and Cousin Inez Hoyt.

Herb, I cannot remember you as you went West when I was a small boy and I have not the slightest recollection of you, in fact, your father and mother died when I was so small that I can hardly remember them. If you have a photograph of yourself and wife which you could spare, I wish you would send it to me as I would prize it most highly. I am today writing Ed Congdon out in Tacoma to do the same thing, as he is another one who has been away from the family for so many years that only the oldest of the Cousins would remember him. You know my sister, Jennie, and I are the youngest of all the Cousins as our mother was the youngest of all the older generation.

I thought you would be highly pleased with the pictures I am sending you and know you will be glad to have them.

With very best wishes and complements of the season, believe me.

Yours very truly,

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